Wednesday, November 1, 2017

M0005. Leo, Lepus, et Cerva

M0004 - M0005 + English - M0006

5. Leo, Lepus, et Cerva. Leo, dormientem leporem nactus, confestim eum devorare parabat. Cervam interim praetereuntem conspicatus, relicto lepore, eam persequi coepit. Lepus interea, strepitu excitatus, inde fugam abripuit. Leo autem, postquam cervam longe est insecutus nec eam adsequi potuit, ad leporem reversus est. Sed eum quoque fuga elapsum cum reperisset, “Ego mehercule digna patior,” inquit, “quia, paratam in manibus escam reiiciens, incertam volui spem sequi.”

(image source - although we have here a leaena rather than a leo trying hard to catch dinner)

M0005 = Perry148. Source: De Furia 97. This is Perry 148. Compare the fable of the dog and his reflection, #348, or the story of the goose that laid the golden eggs, #571. Read a Fabula Facilis version of this fable.

5. The Lion, The Rabbit, and the Deer. The lion found a sleeping rabbit, and got ready to gobble him up. In the meantime, though, he saw a deer passing by. He abandoned the rabbit, and started to chase the deer. Awakened by the ruckus, the rabbit thereupon ran off. The lion, however, chased the deer for a long way but failed to catch her, and so he returned to the rabbit. When he discovered that the rabbit had also escaped, he said, "By Hercules, I got what I deserved because I cast aside the food I had ready in my hands, preferring to chase an uncertain hope instead.