Saturday, November 5, 2011

Image: Apes et Pastor

M0676 - M0677 - M0678
677. Apes et Pastor. Apes in cava quercu mel faciebant. Pastor vero in eas, operi intentas, forte incidit. Idque sedulo agebat ut favos auferret. Quod cum sensissent apes, furore percitae hinc et illinc circumvolant, suisque hostem abigunt aculeis. Ille tamen victus, “Valete,” inquit, “O feroculae, aeternum valete! Non adeo mel desidero, ut a vobis illud accipiam.”

M0677 = Perry400. Source: Dana 24. This is Perry 400. For another story about dangerous bees, see the story of the bear and the bee, #133.