918. Viatores Duo et Latro. Cum viatores duo simul iter faciunt, unus marsupium reperit, aureis plenum. “Eia,” inquit alter, “in commune!” Sed ille negat se ullam lucri partem posse dare, et contendit iure totum uni sibi reservandum, cum ipse unus sit qui invenerit. Interea latro armatus utrique occurrit. Tunc nummorum possessor “Eia,” ait, “dexteram confer vimque vi repellamus; unus duos non vincet.” At comes pauper retulit, “Non tanti est; quid enim hic mihi vacuo abripere possit? Sed tu, qui solus bonum habere volueris, iure solus malum nunc feres.”
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M0918 (not in Perry). Source: Desbillons 9.21 (adapted into prose). This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; it appears original to Desbillons, as he cites no source. Compare the story of the two travelers who found a donkey, #241, or the two travelers who found an axe, #922. Read a Fabula Facilis version of this fable.