Monday, October 4, 2010

Illustrated: Astrologus Stellas Contemplans

M0890 - M0891 - English - M0892

891. Astrologus Stellas Contemplans. Astrologi cuiusdam mos erat de nocte domo exire ut caelum stellasque contemplaretur. Aliquando autem, totus caelo intentus, in fossam, quam ante pedes sitam non viderat, incidit. Tum alius, per eandem viam iter faciens, cum de gemitu illius quod acciderat cognovisset, “Optime,” inquit, “tu, qui os in caelum erigebas, terram pedibus subiectam potius intueri debueras.”

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M0891 = Perry040. Source: Dana 33. This is Perry 40. In Plato’s Theaetetus, this story is told about the Greek philosopher Thales. Compare the fable of the snake in the grass, #623.