Sunday, October 24, 2010

Image: Lupi et Corvus

M0093 - M0094 - M0095
94. Lupi et Corvus. Corvus partem praedae petebat a lupis quod eos totum diem comitatus esset. Cui illi “Non tu nos,” inquiunt, “sed praedam sectatus es, idque eo animo ut ne nostris quidem corporibus parceres, si exanimarentur.” Merito in actionibus non spectatur quid fiat, sed quo animo fiat.

Here's an illustration for the fable (image source) showing a wolf and a crow.
M0094 (not in Perry). Source: Jacobs & Doering 16. This fable is not included in Perry’s catalog. For another fable about a crow and a wolf, see #435.