Saturday, December 3, 2011

Image: Heros in Somnio

M0806 - M0807 - M0808

807. Heros in Somnio. Quidam, herois simulacrum domi habens, ei splendidissime sacrificabat. Cum vero multa continuo in sacrificiis instruendis insumeret impenderetque, noctu ei heros in somnis adstans, “Desine,” inquit, “amice, rem tuam familiarem absumere! Nam si, absumptis omnibus, in paupertatem incideris, me protinus accusabis.”

M0807 = Perry110. Source: De Furia 80. This is Perry 110. The spirits of dead heroes were worshipped in ancient Greece. In the Republic 427b, Plato divides divine worship into three categories: gods, daemons, and heroes, in that order. Compare the story of Fortune and the boy asleep by the well, #813.