Friday, August 27, 2010

Illustrated: Vulpes in Puteum Delapsa et Lupus

M0063 - M0064 - English - M0065

64. Vulpes in Puteum Delapsa et Lupus. Vulpes, cum in puteum fortuito incidisset, lupum in ripa praetereuntem vidit rogavitque ut funem sibi compararet opemque daret ad se ipsam a tanto periculo extrahendam. Cui lupus, “Miserrima vulpes, condoleo tuum infortunium. Dic, precor, quomodo in hunc puteum incidisti?” Respondebat vulpes, “Non opus est ambagibus. Quin tu funem comparato, et deinde omnia tibi in ordine expediam.” Qui in imminentibus versantur periculis non verba superflua, sed praesentes suppetias quaerunt.

Vulpes in Puteo et Lupus

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M0064 = (not in Perry). Source: Barlow’s Aesop 42. This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; it is based on Abstemius 115, and Perry omitted most of Abstemius’s fables. Compare the fable of the mouse in the mousetrap, #197, or the fable of the drowning boy, #962.