890. Divinator et Latrones. Circulator quidam, medio in foro, divinatoriam profitebatur et inspectione manuum cuiuslibet sortes augurabatur, magna plebeculae turba stipatus, quam dum suis praestigiis incautam teneret, quidam ipsi annuntiat effractas fores domus suae et omnia a latronibus direpta et asportata. Quo audito, turbatus, relictis omnibus, ad domum cucurrit. Tunc unusquisque exclamabat, “O illusor et mendax, aliorum sortem divinare et scire te dicis, et tuam nescis.”
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Brant images. I really like the way that one member of the audience is pointing at the thief as the crime is taking place - that's a wonderful way to translate the sequential events of the story into a single image.
M0890 = Perry161. Source: Irenaeus 65. This is Perry 161. Compare the fable of the frog pretending to be a physician, #601.