68. Vulpes, Lupus, et Panarium. Vulpes piscem comedebat iuxta flumen; lupus autem partem ab ea petebat. Vulpes ait, “Docebo te artem piscandi, et sic capies pisces et manducabis. Sed panario opus tibi est.” Abiens autem lupus ad vicum, furatus est panarium, et attulit vulpi. Vulpes panarium ligavit ad caudam lupi valde fortiter et dixit ei, “Vade per aqam, trahens panarium, et ego retro te vadam, submovens pisces.” Lupus autem trahebat per flumen panarium et vulpes caute lapides in panario ponebat. Cum autem plenum esset, vulpes abiit ad vicum et dixit hominibus, “Ecce lupus, qui oves, qui agnos, qui omnes bestias vestras comedit, nunc etiam a flumine vestro pisces extrahit.” Tunc omnes, cum gladiis, fustibus, et canibus, exierunt ad lupum et usque quasi ad mortem percusserunt.
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SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. The story in Steinhowel is quite long and contains an entire second story about a lion -
you can find it all online if you want to read about that lion!
M0068 = Perry698. Source: Steinhowel 5.9 (shortened). This is Perry 698. For another fable where the fox tricks the wolf, see the story of the wolf and the fox in the larder, #66.