Friday, May 27, 2011

Image: Iuppiter et Dolium

M0774 - M0775 - English - M0776

775. Iuppiter et Dolium. Iuppiter, in dolio cum cuncta collegisset bona, id operuit et collocavit apud hominem. Homo autem ille, impotens sui et scire gestiens quid ibi lateret, operculo amoto, bona permisit abire Deorum ad domos, illucque volare, ac procul a terris sursum fugere. Sola autem remansit Spes, quam impositum repressit operculum. Idcirco Spes mortalibus adest sola ac fugitivorum unumquodque bonorum pollicetur se tradituram esse nobis.

M0775 = Perry312. Source: Babrius 58 (translated into Latin prose). This is Perry 312. Unlike the famous version of this story about Pandora, this time it is a man, not a woman, who lets all the good things get away. Compare the fable of the mouse that got away, #897.