Sunday, December 11, 2011

Image: Arbores Duae

M0712 - M0713 - M0714

713. Arbores Duae. Quidam habebat arbores duas frugiferi generis. Unam vase ligneo clausit ut ab ingruentis hiemis molestia sub tepenti fornice defenderetur. At alteram posuit in solo patente ut ferret, una cum aliis compluribus, vices quascumque pluviae, frigoris, et aestus. Quid autem accidit? Illa fructus praecoces et malos protulit; haec seros et bonos.

M0713 (not in Perry). Source: Desbillons 10.6 (adapted into prose). This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; it appears original to Desbillons, as he cites no source. Compare the story of the monkey’s two children, #108.