Monday, August 23, 2010

Illustrated: Apes et Iuppiter

M0669 - M0670 - M0671
670. Apes et Iuppiter. Quod suos labores ab hominibus compilari apicula aegre ferret, elegantissime constructos favos Iovi obtulit et ab illo petiit letiferam ut aculeo suo vim adderet. Iuppiter, immanitate bestiolae offensus, “Immo potius vitalem vim tribuam,” inquit, “ut una cum illo tibi vita relinquenda sit.”

apes et Iuppiter

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M0670 = Perry163. Source: Camerarius 243. This is Perry 163. For another fable in which Jupiter is indignant about an animal’s request, see the story of the camel, #143, or the story of the frogs and their king, #605.