Monday, October 30, 2017

M0004. Leo et Tauri

M0003 - M0004 + English - M0005

4. Leo et Tauri Duo. In duos tauros leo faciebat impetum, lautas sibi epulas quaerens. Illi, coniunctis viribus, opponunt cornua, medios ne irruere possit leo. Duobus ergo impar leo viribus, dolo agere coepit, sicque est allocutus alterum, “Amicum tuum si prodideris mihi, incolumem hinc ego te dimittam.” Qua usus fraude, facili utrumque necavit negotio.

Leo et Tauri - Osius

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Osius images. Notice that in this illustration the lion has more to tangle with than just the two bulls in the Latin story.

M0004 = Perry372. Source: Syntipas 13 (translated into Latin). This is Perry 372. In some fables there are three bulls allied with one another, and in others there are four, but in all cases the lion is able to “divide and conquer.” Compare the fable of the cat, the eagle and the pig, #396.

4. The Lion and the Two Bulls. The lion attacked two bulls, hoping to enjoy a lavish feast. The two bulls joined forces and turned their horns against him so that the lion could not rush in between them. Unequal to the strength of the two of them, he resorted to a trick, and thus said to each one, "If you betray your ally to me, I will then let you go unharmed." By using this deception, it was an easy matter to kill them both.