Friday, September 24, 2010

Illustrated: Lupus et Pastorum Convivium

M0083 - M0084 - M0085
84. Lupus et Pastorum Convivium. Pastores, caesa ove, convivium celebrabant. Quod cum lupus cerneret, “Ego,” inquit, “si agnum rapuissem, quantus tumultus fieret, at isti impune ovem comedunt!” Tum unus illorum “Nos enim,” inquit, “nostra, non aliena, ove epulamur.”

1006 Lupus et Pastores

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M0084 = Perry453. Source: Jacobs & Doering 17. This is Perry 453. Compare the fable of the fox and the women, #54. Read a Fabula Facilis version of this fable.