Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Illustrated: Minerva et Olea

M0791 - M0792 - M0793

792. Minerva et Olea. Divi olim legebant sibi quisque arborem. Quercum sibi legit Iuppiter; myrtus Veneri placuit; laurus Phoebo; Herculi populus. Minerva, rem admirata, “Cur,” inquit, “steriles arbores in tutelam sumitis?” Causam Iuppiter dixit, “Scilicet indignum deo est tutelam suam fructu vendere.” “Mihi quidem,” respondit Minerva, “olea gratior est propter fructum.” Tum Pater deorum atque hominum “O nata,” inquit, “merito sapiens esse diceris. Stulta enim est gloria, nisi id, quo gloriamur, utile est.”

Arbores Deorum

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M0792 =  Perry508. Source: Potts & Darnell p. 21. This is Perry 508. In a contest with the god Neptune (Greek Poseidon), Minerva (Athena) gave the olive tree as a gift to the people of Athens, hence her special association with the tree.