Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Illustrated: Ficus et Spina

M0707 - M0708 - M0709

708. Ficus et Spina. Cum ficus grossis esset gravis, florebat spina. Haec igitur ad ficum, “Ubi flores tui sunt?” ait. Cui ficus “Ubi fructus tui,” inquit, “sunt?” “At mihi,” inquit spina, “fructus Natura negavit.” “Quare tu igitur,” inquit ficus, “flores in me requiris, cum floribus multo praestantiores fructus videas?”

0223 De spina et ficu

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M0708 (not in Perry). Source: Camerarius 271. This fable is not in Perry’s catalog, but you can find it in the Speculum Sapientiae, 2.23. For the dangers of fruit, see the story of the apple tree, #714.