Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Image: Vulpes et Vir Fluctus Numerans

M0054 - M0055 - M0056
55. Vulpes et Vir Fluctus Numerans. Homo quidam in litore sedens ad fluctuosum mare fluctus numerabat. Cum vero subinde erraret, graviter id ferre et excruciari, donec adstans vulpes ei diceret, “Quid laboras, mi homo, eorum causa qui praeterierant? Eos qui hinc oriuntur numerare incipere, illis neglectis, oportet.”

Image Source: Ocean waves.

M0055 = Perry429. Source: De Furia 403. This is Perry 429. Compare the story of the man waiting for all the water in a river to flow by, #827, or a similar story about a donkey, #220.