Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Image: Ensis et Vomer

M0758 - M0759 - M0760

759. Ensis et Vomer. "Procul hinc recede," dixit ensis vomeri, "ne consortione sordida me inquines." At ille contra ait, "Cur me sic despicis, superbe? Ferrum tibi pater est; est et mihi. Deinde an te latet quantum mihi debeas? Nam si, otiosus, solum non proscinderem ut fruges nascantur, quae tuam herilem manum reficiant, nonne illa mox languesceret? Quid tunc de te fieret? Forte turpem situm duceres, in angulo tenebricoso iacens." Agricola eodem prorsus luto ac miles confictus est, sed ille alteri praestat quod operam magis utilem nobis praebeat.

M0759 (not in Perry). Source: Desbillons 7.10 (adapted into prose). This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; it appears original to Desbillons, as he cites no source. For a story of how the hand grows weak if the body is not fed, see #751.