Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Image: Calvi Duo et Pecten

M0969 - M0970 - M0971

970. Calvi Duo et Pecten. Calvus forte pectinem invenit in trivio. Accessit alter, aeque pilis defectus. “Heia,” inquit, “in commune quodcumque est lucri!” Ille praedam ostendit et adiecit simul, “Superum voluntas favit; sed Fato invido carbonem, ut aiunt, pro thesauro invenimus.” Quem spes delusit, huic querela convenit.

M0970 = Perry528. Source: Phaedrus 5.28 (adapted into prose). This is Perry 528. For a man who unexpectedly goes bald, see #952. See also the story of the two men who found an axe in the road, #922.