Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Image: Phoebus et Iris

M0743 - M0744 - M0745

744. Phoebus et Iris. Tot variis coloribus refulgens species Irim superbam fecerat, sed postmodum, cum ex superba insolens facta fuisset, illa prae se Phoebum contemnere coeperat cui, quamlibet nitido, color inesset unicus. Phoebus sentit et illam respicere desinit, ut superbiam inanem reprimat; simul et color eius et decor omnis vanescit. Hac fabula monentur qui eos vituperant quorum beneficio honores suos debent.

M0744 (not in Perry). Source: Desbillons 10.18 (adapted into prose). This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; Desbillons cites Richer as his source. Phoebus Apollo was the god of the sun; Iris was the messenger goddess who took the form of a rainbow. Compare the fable of the stream and the spring, #749.