Friday, August 27, 2010

Illustrated: Vulpes et Statua

M0038 - M0039 - English - M0040

39. Vulpes et Statua. In statuarii officinam irrepserat vulpecula ac, contemplando diversi generis et variae formae effigies, magnam voluptatem capiebat. Inter omnes tamen, una muliebris corporis statua imprimis vulpem delectabat, ad quam et accedebat et sermonem instituebat et blandissime alludebat. Sed, statua immobili persistente, vulpes, indignata, “Quam formosa facies,” inquit, “cerebro caret!”

Vulpes et Persona

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Tenniel-Wolf images. Of course, this version of the story is about an entire statue; the illustration is for the more traditional version of the story where the fox finds just a mask or a head, not a whole statue.

M0039 = Perry027. Source: Camerarius 820. This is Perry 27. Compare the story of the wolf and the mask, #106.