Saturday, August 28, 2010

Illustrated: Asinus, Gallus, et Leo

M0234 - M0235 - M0236
235. Asinus, Gallus, et Leo. Gallus aliquando cum asino pascebatur. Leone autem aggresso asinum, gallus exclamavit, et leo (qui galli vocem timet) fugere incipit. Asinus, ratus propter se fugere, aggressus est leonem; ut vero procul a gallicinio persecutus est, conversus leo asinum devoravit, qui moriens clamabat, “Iusta passus sum; ex pugnacibus enim non natus parentibus, quamobrem in aciem irrui?”

Gallus, Asinus et Leo

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Medici Aesop images. You can read the whole story from right to left: first the rooster, then the donkey chasing the lion, then the donkey being eaten by that same lion!

M0235 = Perry082. Source: Barlow’s Aesop 46. This is Perry 82. For another fable about the lion’s fear of the rooster, see #797. For another unwise attack, see the fable of the ram who thought he could attack a bull, #314. Read a Fabula Facilis version of this fable.