Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Illustrated: Boves et Trabs

M0287 - M0288 - M0289
288. Boves et Trabs. Trabs, quae curru vehebatur, boves ut lentulos increpabat, dicens, “Currite, pigri; onus enim leve portatis.” Cui boves “Irrides nos,” responderunt, “ignara quae te poena maneat. Onus hoc nos cito deponemus; tuum autem tu, quoad rumparis, sustinere cogeris.” Indoluit trabs nec amplius boves conviciis lacessere ausa est. Haec fabula quemlibet monet ne aliorum insultet calamitatibus, cum ipse possit maioribus subiacere.

Boves et Trabes

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M0288 (not in Perry). Source: Abstemius 42. This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; Perry omitted most of Abstemius’s fables. Compare the fable of the wood rebuking the oxen for being ungrateful, #723, or the story of the mule and the pig, #338.