Friday, November 3, 2017

M0006. Leo et Equus

M0005 - M0006 + English - M0007

6. Leo et Equus. Venit ad equum comedendum leo. Carens autem prae senecta viribus, meditari coepit artem. Medicumque se esse profitetur verborumque ambagibus equum moratur. Equus dolo dolum, artem opponit arti; fingit se dudum in loco spinoso pupugisse pedem oratque ut inspiciens sentem medicus educat. Paret leo, at equus multa vi calcem leoni impingit et se continuo conicit in pedes. Leo, vix tandem ad se rediens, ictu enim prope exanimatus fuerat, “Pretium,” inquit, “fero ob stultitiam, et is iure effugit. Dolum enim dolo ultus est.”

Equus et Leo Medicus

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M0006 = Perry187. Source: Barlow’s Aesop 55. This is Perry 187. For another fable about an unexpected kick in the head, see #71.

The Lion and the Horse. A lion once came to eat a horse. On account of his old age, however, his strength was failing, so he laid a trap instead. He proclaimed that he was a doctor, and with long-winded speeches he detained the horse. The horse returned deceit for deceit, and trick for trick; he pretended that a while back he had pierced his foot in the brambles, and he begged that the doctor would take a look and remove the thorn. The lion obeyed, and with great force the horse hit the lion with his hoof and then immediately ran off. The lion finally regained consciousness after having been almost killed by the blow, and he said: I have paid the price for my stupidity, and he escaped fair and square, getting revenge for my trick with a trick of his own.