Sunday, August 22, 2010

Illustrated: Pastor et Canis Molossus

M0840 - M0841 - English - M0842

841. Pastor et Canis Molossus. Pastor molossum habebat, mira virtute praeditum et gregis custodem praeclarum. Sed, dum nimis voracem et famelicum esse conqueritur, aliquis persuasit ut istum helluonem venderet et hinc alios canes duos vel tres redimeret, qui operam parem simul adhibere et levibus impensis ali possent. Eiicitur ergo hospes generosus et fidelis et vetus. At lupus, ubi sensit custodem valentem iam procul a grege abesse, longo metu solutus, invadit et facile oves desertas rapit, modo hanc, modo illam. Ne impensas dole unde lucrum ingens redit.

Pastor et Canis Eius

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Billinghurst images. As you can see, this image shows the shepherd and his dog in happier times, before the shepherd made his terrible mistake!

M0841 (not in Perry).Source: Desbillons 6.14 (adapted into prose). This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; Desbillons is retelling La Fontaine 8.18. For dogs and their ungrateful masters, see #377 and #378.