Sunday, August 22, 2010

Illustrated: Vespertilio Perfidus

M0398 - M0399 - M0400
399. Vespertilio Perfidus. Bellum gerebant volucres cum quadrupedibus, et fortuna belli erat diu anceps, modo his, modo illis victoriam reportantibus. Vespertilio, qui securitatem fidei anteponebat, ad eas quae superaverant se conferebat; inter aves avem se esse profitebatur, inter quadrupedes murem. Cum pacem fecissent aves et quadrupedes, fraus utrique generi apparuit; damnatus igitur ab utrisque refugit, atque ex eo tempore noctu tantummodo evolabat.

quadrupedes et aves

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. The details of the ongoing battle are just great - look at how the unicorn is stabbing the hawk with its horn while the hawk is tearing into that poor rabbit! The battle really is anceps!
M0399 = Perry566. Source: Morris 66. This is Perry 566. Compare the fable of the ambiguous ostrich, #403.