255. Mula et Crabro. Crabro, involans in caput clitellariae mulae, “Quin moves te,” inquit, “et gressus incitas! An ego te, lentam viatricem, nisi pergis, instigabo?” Cui mula “Non ego te curo,” inquit, “sed fustes et stimulum illius, qui me sequitur,” mulionem significans, “a quo si mihi quiete esse liceat, tuos facile, mi crabuncule, impetus pertulero.”
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SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. Even though the hornet is very large, the mule certainly doesn't look very concerned!
M0255 = Perry498. Source: Camerarius 210. This is Perry 498. Compare the fable of the goats rebuking the horse, #261.