Monday, September 20, 2010

Illustrated: Galli Duo Certantes

M0561 - M0562 - M0563
562. Galli Duo Certantes. Duo inter se certarant galli gallinacei. Alter, victus, in remoto loco se occultaverat. Alter, victoria potitus, fastigium tecti occupaverat. Ibi cum se, victoria elatus, insolenter iactaret, aquila delapsa sursum illum secum rapuit. Hoc argumento cognoscitur neminem Fortunae et viribus nimis credere aut stulte superbire debere.

Galli Pugnantes

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M0562 = Perry281. Source: Syntipas 7 (translated into Latin). This is Perry 281. Compare the fable of the frog and the mouse, #602.