Friday, September 24, 2010

Illustrated: Musca et Quadrigae

M0679 - M0680 - M0681
680. Musca et Quadrigae. Quadrigae in stadio currebant, quibus musca insidebat. Maximo autem pulvere, tum equorum pedum pulsu, tum rotarum volutatione, exorto, dicebat musca, “Quam magnam vim pulveris excitavi!”

Musca et Quadrigae

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the 1590 Aesop images.
M0680 = Perry724. Source: Abstemius 16. This is Perry 724 (Perry included only a few fables of Abstemius in his catalog). Compare the story of the gnat and the bull, #292. Read a Fabula Facilis version of this fable.