608. Ranae et Taurorum Proelia. Rana, e palude pugnam taurorum intuens, “Heu,” ait, “quanta nobis instat pernicies!” Interrogata ab alia cur hoc diceret, cum boves de gregis principatu certarent longeque ab ipsis degerent vitam, “Sit statio separata,” inquit, “ac diversum genus, qui expulsus nemoris regno profugerit, in secreta paludis latibula veniet et proculcatas pede duro obteret. Ita furor illorum caput ad nostrum pertinet.” Humiles laborant ubi potentes dissident.
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M0608 = Perry485. Source: Phaedrus 1.30 (adapted into prose). This is Perry 485. Compare the wild goat’s worry about the raging lion, #3.