Monday, September 20, 2010

Illustrated: Iuppiter et Serpens

M0772 - M0773 - English - M0774

773. Iuppiter et Serpens. Cum Iuppiter nuptias celebraret, animalia cuncta, suis quaeque pro viribus, ei munera obtulerunt. Serpens itaque, rosam decerptam ore ferens, ad Iovem accessit, qui simul ac eum vidit, “Ceterorum,” inquit, “omnium dona excipio, sed tuo ab ore nihil prorsus sumo.” Fabula docet improborum gratias esse timendas.

Serpens, Rosa, et Iuppiter

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Osius images. This is one of those illustrations in Osius where you have to ignore the caption; the publisher was trying to make this image do double-duty, illustrating a fable that it actually does not fit very well at all.

M0773 = Perry221. Source: De Furia 184. This is Perry 221. Compare the medieval fable of the serpent and the rose, #618.