Saturday, October 9, 2010

Illustrated: Puer et Paedagogus

M0961 - M0962 - English - M0963

962. Puer et Paedagogus. Puer ad fluminis profundi oram ludens pede lapsus est. At salix opem dat, prensa labentis manu, et eum pendulum sustinet ne pereat in undae voraginem mersus. Paedagogus, cum huc venisset, inquit, “Istos nebulones meos sic evagari! Hoc sinam? Sic mihi non obsequi! Hoc patiar? Te quidem periculo praesenti eripiam, ludio proterve, at profecto non feres impune. Namque te modo, simul ac domum reduxero, flagris perbelle admonitum dabo, quantum satis erit ut facti memineris diu.” Puer, diro flagrorum metu externatus, salicem relinquit et perit, fluctu obrutus. Libido magis increpandi quam iuvandi quoddam paedagogorum genus permovet.

Puer et Paedagogus

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M0962 = Perry211. Source: Desbillons 6.11 (adapted into prose). This is Perry 211, although the traditional Greek version does not feature a teacher, as here. Compare the fable of the mouse in the mousetrap, #197, or the fable of the fox in the well and the wolf, #64.