151. Aper et Asinus Pugnantes. Aper, asinum ad certamen provocans, sperabat se victorem fore quod longiores acutioresque sibi quam adversario dentes essent. Sed, cum asino propinquasset, ferratis pedibus percussus, cecidit semimortuus. Paulo post, ad se reversus, “Non istinc me laedi,” inquit, “credebam.” Fabula indicat virum prudentem omnia explorare debere, unde ab adversario possit offendi.
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SLIDESHOW of all the Salomon 1544 images. Although this is an illustration for a different fable, it fits this one, too!
M0151 (not in Perry). Source: Abstemius 128. This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; Perry omitted most of Abstemius’s fables. Compare the fight between the dog and the bull, #359.