Monday, November 8, 2010

Illustrated: Cornix et Urna

M0446 - M0447 - M0448
447. Cornix et Urna. Sitibunda cornix reperit urnam aqua plenam, sed erat urna profundior quam ut exhauri a cornice possit. Conatur igitur vano molimine aquam effundere, sed non valet. Lectos igitur ex arena lapillulos iniectat. Hoc modo aqua levatur et cornix bibit. Necessitas est ingenii mater.

Corvus et Urna

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Heighway images.
M0447 = Perry390. Source: Barlow’s Aesop 39. This is Perry 390. For an example of a bird who is not so wise in taking a drink, see the story of the dove and the painting, #512.