Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Illustrated: Quercus et Iuppiter

M0704 - M0705 - M0706

705. Quercus et Iuppiter. Quercus Iovem accusabant, aientes, “Nos quidem vitam miserrimam ducimus, nam prae aliis arboribus universis violenter caedimur.” At Iuppiter “Vosmetipsae,” respondit, “huiusce calamitatis causa estis. Nisi enim securibus manubria ferretis atque ad fabrilia et georgica opera peragenda utiles essetis, haud profecto vos securis caederet.” Ita nonnulli, suorum malorum causa cum sint sibi, stulte incusant Deum.

Arbores et Securis

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Gole images. The image does not show Jupiter and the trees; instead, it shows the central problem: the trees give the man a handle for his axe!

M0705 = Perry302. Source: De Furia 420. This is Perry 302. Compare the fable of the thrush and the birdlime, #499, or the eagle and the arrow, #414.