174. Lepus et Vulpes, Contendentes. Orta est aliquando contentio vulpem inter et leporem de nobilitate et praestantia. “Ego te,” dicebat lepus vulpi, “praecello cursu.” “Ego te,” respondebat vulpes, “mente.” Ille, “Sum te velocior pedibus.” Ista, “Ego ingenio, quo venatorum retia et plagas et canes saepius eludo quam tu celeritate pedum.”
image source: a rabbit and a fox in discussion, as drawn by K. Bedson)
M0174 (not in Perry). Source: Irenaeus 97. This fable is not in Perry’s catalog; it is based on Abstemius 73, and Perry omitted most of Abstemius’s fables. Compare the fox debating with the leopard, #58.