82. Lupi et Pastores. Cum Philippus rex Macedoniae cum Atheniensibus foedus initurus esset, ea conditione ut oratores suos ipsi traderent, Demosthenes populo narravit fabulam qua iis callidum regis consilium ante oculos poneret. Dixit enim lupos quondam cum pastoribus pactos esse se numquam in posterum greges esse impugnaturos, si canes ipsis dederentur; placuisse stultis pastoribus conditionem sed, cum lupi caulas excubiis nudatas vidissent, eos impetu facto omnem gregem dilaniasse.
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SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. The text in Steinhowel is not the same story reportedly told by Demosthenes, but the illustration matches the story nicely, since we see a shepherd who seems to be making peace with the wolves, ready to surrender the dogs who stand by his side. Steinhowel's text actually does not involve the shepherd; it is about the treaty the sheep made on their own with the wolves.