Sunday, September 12, 2010

Illustrated: Caprae et Taurus

M0316 - M0317 - M0318
317. Caprae et Taurus. Taurus, leonem fugiens, in specu quodam inhibuit fugam. Caprae agrestes autem, quae ibi erant, continuo in eum cornibus fecerunt impetum. Quas taurus ita allocutus fertur, “Non vos metuo, sed illum, qui ante speluncam me praestolatur.”

Taurus Leonem Fugiens et Hircus

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Tenniel-Wolf images. In this illustration, it is a goat in the cave who attacks the bull, rather than wild she-goats as in the Latin story.

M0317 = Perry217. Source: Syntipas 40 (translated into Latin). This is Perry 217. Compare the story of the horse fleeing from the lion, #261.