Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Illustrated: Piscator et Calamus

M0848 - M0849 - M0850

849. Piscator et Calamus. Piscator quidam iuxta maris litus sedit et coepit calamum inflare, putans cantu se pisces facile esse capturum. Cantu verum nil proficiente, calamum deposuit, rete in mare demisit, ac plurimos cepit pisces. Sed cum ex reti pisces extraheret atque eos saltantes videret, ait, “O improba animalia! Dum canebam, saltare noluistis; nunc autem, calamo cessante, saltus datis assiduos.”

piscator et tibiae

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. The coloring actually makes this image a bit harder to read: stage one of the story is in the background, and stage two of the story is in the foreground - but it is the same fisherman, so the person who colored the image probably should not have made the hats two different colors!

M0849 = Perry011. Source: Stoddart p. 115. This is Perry 11. Compare the story of the snails in the fire, #645.