Friday, October 15, 2010

Image: Tigris et Venatores

M0138 - M0139 - M0140
139. Tigris et Venatores. Raptis tigris fetibus, dum veloci cursu venatores insequitur, ipsi timentes sibi de crudelitate bestiae, speculum vitreum amplum in via proiiciunt. Tigris vero dum imaginem suam in speculo cernit, a cursu suo subsistit, aestimans fetum suum reperisse. Dum autem imaginem illam amplectitur et ibidem commoratur, venatores evadunt. Ipsa autem, tandem pede fracto speculo, nihil reperit et ita fetus suos amittit.

Image Source: Medieval image of the tiger.

M0139 (not in Perry). Source: De Vitry 7. This fable is not in Perry’s catalog, but it is a famous motif from the bestiary tradition. Pliny tells a story of hunters taking several tiger cubs and then dropping them one by one, thus slowing the tiger’s pursuit so that the hunter escapes with at least one. For other stories about reflections and mirrors, see the monkey and the mirror, #127, or the dog crossing the stream, #348.