913. Pirata et Alexander Rex. Alexander olim cum pirata collocutus, “Quo,” inquit, “iure mare infestas?” “Eodem, quo tu terras,” respondit ille; “ego autem latro vocor, quod mihi una solum navicula est; tu victor appellaris, quod classes et exercitus habes. Victorum enim et piratarum maleficia differunt non meritis, sed magnitudine.”
image: from a Confessio Amantis ms. in the Pierpont Library)
M0913 (not in Perry). Source: Potts & Darnell p. 4. This fable is not in Perry’s catalog. For other stories about Alexander, see #82, #872, or #976. See also the story of the lion’s share, #16 or #31.