Saturday, August 20, 2011

Image: Mulier Puerpera et Lectus

M0938 - M0939 - M0940

939. Mulier Puerpera et Lectus. Instante partu, actis mensibus, mulier humi iacebat, flebilis gemitus ciens. Vir hortatus est ut corpus lecto reciperet, quo onus naturae melius deponeret. “Minime confido,” mulier inquit, “malum finiri posse in loco illo quo conceptum est initio.” Nemo libenter locum recolit qui laesit.

M0939 = Perry479. Source: Phaedrus 1.18 (adapted into prose). This is Perry 479. For other stories about expectant mothers, see the fable of the two dogs, #345, or the sow and the wolf, #331.