Monday, August 23, 2010

Illustrated: Pavo et Iuno

M0543 - M0544 - M0545
544. Pavo et Iuno. Pavo graviter conquerebatur apud Iunonem, dominam suam, quod vocis suavitas sibi negata esset dum luscinia, avis tam parum decora, cantu excellat. Cui Iuno “Et merito,” inquit, “non enim omnia bona in unum conferri oportuit.”

Pavo et Iuno

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M0544 = Perry509. Source: Collar 3. This is Perry 509. The peacock was the bird especially associated with Juno (Greek Hera), just as the eagle was the special bird of Jupiter (Greek Zeus). For animals petitioning Jupiter, see the fable of the fox and the rabbit, #175.